Carti Meubles is located in Charente and was established in 1962. It currently employs about 50 employees.
The company is specialised in the manufacturing of melamine particleboards. Its main areas of activity are office, dressing and storage, kitchen, bathroom furniture as well as childcare furniture. Most products are delivered in kit.
Since its creation, Carti Meubles has been involved in many projects. This requires:
- a high control of its machinery equipment
- modern high-tech production equipment
- continuous improvement of the organisation, based on ambitious computerisation
- some renewed products, continuously adapted to customer demand
- an engaged and devoted staff
1962 : Creation of the Carti Meubles factory in Villejésus.
1989 : Transformation according to the Sarl legal form. Big investments in machines are made to develop the machinery equipment.
1996 : Carti Meubles needs to expand. Construction of a 3500m² industrial building.
2001 : An additional surface of 4500m² is created to relocate the packaging and storage activities.
2015 : Carti Meubles is acquired by MDS group.